Welcome to our 2023 Fundraiser Brea Pop Warner family, friends, and fans – THANK YOU for taking the time to view our fundraising page and for helping our Football and Cheer Program. The cost of providing a competitive program far exceeds our budget and we depend on community support to provide an enriched, character-building program. Your support helps us offer a high quality and safe experience for all our cheerleaders and football players as well as helping to ensure we cover field costs and provide top-rate equipment for everyone. Please help us continue the spirit and growth of Brea Pop Warner. Donations are vital to the success of the program. Spread the word about our fundraiser through email, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Here’s to another great year of Brea Pop Warner Football and Cheer! Any participant who sells over 15 balls, money will go directly to team fund for banquet. Grand Prize winner for Golf Ball Drop: $1000 Top Selling Player: $500 2nd Place Selling Player: $250 3rd Place Selling Player: BPW Swag Valued at $100 *Winner does not have to be present