Welcome to our Golf Ball Drop Cypress Girls Softball League family, friends, and fans – THANK YOU for taking the time participate in our fundraiser. Your support helps us offer a high quality and safe experience for all our players as well as helping to ensure we cover field costs and provide top-rate equipment for everyone. As a non-profit, fundraising is a very important part of being able to provide quality and meaningful programs to the families of Cypress Girls Softball League. Spread the word about our fundraiser through email, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. To purchase a golf ball ticket, first choose the athletes name (so they get credit), then choose the number of tickets and complete the purchase. You will automatically receive an email with your golf ball numbers. Each ticket represents a number on a golf ball. On our event date, we will drop all of the balls and the ball closest to the target win $1,000.00. Good luck and thank you again for supporting our program. Closest to the Grand Prize Marker $1,000.00 Closest to the 1st Marker $750 Closest to the 2nd Marker $500 Closest to the 3rd Marker $250 Various Bonus Markers up to $500 Top 3 Selling Players will Receive Various Gift Cards *Winner does not have to be present
